Dr. Angela Ingram
Executive Program Director
Ph.D. Doctorate of Philosophy in Special Education, University of Oregon, US
M.Sc. Special Education Texas A&M University, US
B.S. Special Education Texas A&M University, US

Dr. Angela Ingram holds a Ph.D. in special education from the University of Oregon and is a licensed special education teacher, administrator, and educational diagnostician. She is also an active scholar and member of professional organizations such as the Society for Disability Students (SDS) and the American Education Research Association (AERA).Before joining ELG, Dr. Ingram served as an assistant professor of special education at various universities and notably as Head of Student Support Services at the American International Embassy School of Zambia. Dr. Ingram brings a wealth of expertise, having taught special education in multiple countries and settings, including the US, China, and Qatar. As ELG’s Executive Program Director, she ensures high standards of teaching, therapy, and care for children and families. Her leadership is based on authentic and collaborative relationships with staff, families, and children, prioritizing strengths-based and student-centered approaches for impactful outcomes.Dr. Ingram passionately serves children with neurodiverse needs and their families, fostering inclusion and, ensuring access. She works to break down societal barriers to cultivate an inclusive, joyful environment for people of all abilities.