• Sensory Integration Therapy
    Helping children with sensory processing difficulties improve their ability to take in, make sense of, and respond appropriately to sensory input.

    Sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell are five basic senses that help us navigate the world around us. But in addition to these senses, we have other senses as well! This includes a vestibular sense (movement and balance sense) and a proprioceptive sense (body awareness sense). Sensory integration is the process where the brain uses information obtained from our senses to “make sense” of the world, by organizing how information is received and responding to it. When a child’s sensory systems cannot work together well, they may feel overwhelmed and this affects their learning and daily living.

  • Physical Therapy & Assessments
    Helping children to develop physically, build strength and improve motor skills needed to complete daily activities.

    Some children struggle with balance, movement, coordination, strength, or physical endurance. Physical activities such as walking, running, jumping or kicking a ball might be challenging for them. Whether your child has a sports injury, development delay, or genetic condition, physical therapy can be beneficial and address your concerns regarding your child’s physical development.

  • Occupational Therapy & Assessments
    Helping children become more functional and independent by mastering movement skills crucial for development or daily living.

    Some children struggle to learn how to properly use their hands and fingers for tying laces, doing up zips, holding cutlery or chopsticks, and for handwriting. Others are often distracted and find it hard to concentrate in school, or find it hard to visually process information. Others can be especially sensitive to certain things in the environment, such as loud noises, bright lights, different tastes and textures, and particular smells. These challenges are referred to as fine motor skills, sensory processing, and visual perception needs, which can be improved through professional advice,
