Student Support Professionals Networking Evening

We hosted our first public event of the year at The Apartment on September 22. Around 50 professionals from 20 schools and organizations came out to chat and get to know one another. Our Dramatherapist, Sarah, introduced her unique practice and did a short demonstration. Then attendees split into groups to come up with ideas about future collaboration between schools.

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Trainings in the Community:

  • Davy, a Psychologist, and Siyang, a Speech-Language Pathologist, provided seminars, group therapy, and observations for children at the Nordicsounds Hearing Aids Company summer camp. Davy was even featured on local television (Chinese only, fast-forward to 8’12”).
  • Jing, an Occupational Therapist, delivered a Child Development Assessment Workshop at Amber Montessori Shanghai’s Shanghai International Family Club.
  • Sarah delivered a Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) student talk on eating disorders at an international school.