Principal of Wellington with Xiersen volunteers

Xiersen at Wellington Festival of Education

Our sister NGO was on hand at Wellington’s Festival of Education to let attendees know about issues surrounding special education in China and how they can make a difference.

Trainings in the Community:

Our specialists are busy doing talks for high school students at international schools. Some examples include:

  • Dramatherapist Sarah and Mental Health Counselor Mooney spoke to young people about grief and loss.
  • Davy, a Psychologist, reminded students about the importance of mental well-being on the path to accomplishment. Grades aren’t everything!

ELG Without Borders:

Our Clinic Director, Fiona, and Davy took a trip out to Hangzhou last week to visit some local international schools and kindergartens. Our team is mobile and willing to travel around China to improve support for children and families who need us.