Improving Literacy on Chongming Island

Co-founder and Director Andrew Hill, as President of the Rotary Club, was on Chongming Island on November 19 to deliver books and book shelves to a school through The Library Project.

Lunch and Learn

ELG hosted a group of adults with autism walking across China to raise awareness. They were impressed with our ayis’ jiaozi, even though it was made in Shanghai and not northern China!

Clinic Services in the Community

Our specialists were busy, as always, in international schools around the city presenting trainings to students, teachers, and admin staff about topics such as suicide prevention and grief.

We also provided in-school screenings by an occupational therapist, speech-language pathologist, and physical therapist to give parents expert opinion about their children’s development.

ELG Without Borders

Co-founder and Managing Director Monte Rosen spent a couple of weeks this month on an educational vacation in Vietnam, including visiting a school for the blind, a vocational center in the countryside, and a school for children with autism. He returned full of hope for the future and a renewed inspiration to help others.

Co-founder and Program Director Dr. Shari Rosen and Speech-Language Pathologist Reyhaneh Rajabzadeh went to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s annual convention. Reyhaneh presented a poster about doing a placement in China. Shari’s poster featured information about establishing a practice in Shanghai and starting ELG. They got to speak with many interested specialists from around the world about what we do at ELG and even got a few resumes from interested candidates looking to join us!