Merav Wirthiem, M.Ed.
Program Director, Educational Counselor

All children learn differently, and each child’s strengths and needs mean that their
optimal way of learning does not necessarily resemble the learning styles of most of
their peers. Our services will help children who need to move at a different pace,
children with intensive learning needs, children with unconventional schedules or
interests, children in transition to a new city and a new school, and even children
who need to acquire classroom-ready English proficiency before enrolling in an
international school. The Innovative Learning Center exists to serve the children
whose needs are best met outside of a typical classroom. We begin with the
individual’s strengths and needs, and then develop the education that best fits each

The Innovative Learning Center begins by learning about each child, assessing
need and strength and consulting within our team of specialists in order to develop
the plans that are most likely to address need and reinforce strength.
Each child’s time at The Innovative Learning Center is oriented towards the most
complete and productive educational experience possible. For some children, this
means that we teach finely targeted materials in an environment where every child
receives ample attention from our specialists.

Other children control the timing and the sequencing of their own learning to a
much greater extent. These learners participate in directing their own studies by
setting much of their timetables, allocating their own learning time and even
participating in decisions about what they will study. At ILC, control over their own
destiny sparks individual passions and gives children valuable experience in
managing their time and effort effectively.

Further, ILC’s broad, multi-disciplinary team enables us to consider children’s
intellectual and emotional lives on a broad, holistic basis. This breadth of expertise
allows us to work collaboratively, accounting for many dimensions of each child’s
life, from cognitive, to psychological to physical in order to devise solutions that no
other educational practice in Asia could have assembled.

Whatever a child’s goals, and whatever methods are necessary to achieve them,
the emphasis on individualized learning at The Innovative Learning Center will not
only enable our own specialists to help in a highly targeted, highly effective way, but
will also empower children to better understand their own preferences and
comforts. Whatever a child’s needs are, we can understand them, and we can
serve them.