By Regina Nicolas Schaufelberger, Physical Therapist and Sensory Integration Specialist

This month we are featuring another activity you can do at home. Click here for September’s Colorful Lemon Volcanoes if you missed it!

Craftulate’s recipe for Homemade Herb and Spice Play Dough was a hit at our Summer Program. All natural, using spices you have around the house, you can have confidence that it is safe for your children to play with, and even put in their mouths!

Depending on the flavoring you use, there might be a risk to staining furniture or clothing, so be careful when choosing spices and a surface to play on.

imageThe recipe is simple:

  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tbs salt
  • 1 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1 tsp-3 tbs (your preference!) of an herb, spice, or flavored powder of your choice.
    Such as: Paprika, Cocoa Powder, Ground Turmeric, Ground Rosemary, Cheddar Cheese Powder, or Ground Cinnamon


All you need to do is heat it up on the stove on low heat, stirring continuously, for about five minutes. Allow it to cool, knead it a bit, and you’re ready to play!

The dough can be stored in airtight bags in the fridge or in a dark cupboard, ready for your next sensory play time.