By Sarah Bilodeau, Dramatherapist

There are multiple benefits of coloring. Throughout history, the arts have been used to foster well-being, and coloring is no different.


1. The pre-made designs make coloring an accessible creative activity for all ages, reducing pressure to perform, and allowing individuals to relax into it.

2. The motion and repetition can bring an individual to the present moment, pausing and quieting the mind’s worries of the past and future, providing a temporary stress-relief and relaxation.

3. Developmentally, it helps to increase concentration and fine motor skills in a fun way.

4. Also, in choosing the colors and their organization in the image, the potentials of creativity get stimulated which can be celebrated in an end result that the family and child can be proud of. This helps the development of their self-esteem.


It is easy for people of all ages to access inexpensive or even free coloring resources. Two free sites I recommend are and