Our History

Founded in 2006, ELG is a leader in delivering strengths-based, neurodiversity affirming education and therapy. ELG was started by three Americans, Shari and Monte Rosen, and Andrew Hill. They noticed the huge gap in special needs service providers in Shanghai and felt an intense desire to help the unique children who needed a different type of assistance. This desire grew from an initial team with only four foreign specialists to what we now have with over 20 multi-disciplinary professionals from 14 different countries and regions. It took a while, but we assembled a first-class team of specialists, and we’re still growing! One of the biggest challenges we noticed during our initial growth years in Shanghai was the lack of local special needs staff and members. With this in mind, we created an initial training program for six staff members, some of whom pursued advanced studies overseas.

Our History(图1)

Our History(图2)

Fast forward to today, and there is an ever-growing need for more teachers, specialists, assistants and programs. And we’re delighted to be part of the growth by offering consulting and training and partnerships with organizations to boost special needs services in China.

For a full interview with our Founders, click here:


Check out Dr. Shari Rosen's interview with TimeOut Shanghai on 15 years in China:


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