At ELG, children in our programs experience a wide range of developmental needs. We’ve found SCERTS effective for helping children with social communication while developing emotional regulation skills. This ensures our children thrive when it comes to learning and developing relationships. SCERTS is an evidence-based framework from the US, which was created to support neurodivergent children. Each area of development is valued, rather than overemphasizing one over the other. 


  • Social Communication: Supporting a student’s ability to communicate, comprehend, and collaborate with others.

  • Emotional Regulation: Supporting a student’s ability to cope, make transitions, and actively engage in the classroom. 

  • Transactional Support: Learning accommodations and curriculum modifications embedded in the natural environment to foster Social Communication & Emotional Regulation.

Why SCERTS:  At ELG, we see a child’s development as a whole. It’s important for us that a child is prepared for the world socially, emotionally, physically, and academically. 
